![]() Classifying Crown's
Classifying Crown’s Injustices
The least offensive means of removing third party attachment to unlawfully alienated Land re-aquired for the use and benefit of Six Nations will stay in a trust until at such a time it can be added to the Six Nations Land base.
The Haldimand Treaty of 1784
Whereas His Majesty having been pleased to
direct that in consideration of the early attachment
to his cause manifested by the Mohawk Indians
and of the loss of their settlement which they
thereby sustained - that a ... View More
Classifying Crown’s Injustices
As a result of these submitted claims and other potential claims, the Crown’s Trusteeship repeatedly breached its fiduciary and treaty obligations by:
- making or permitting dispositions of the Six Nations Lands to Third Parties without the consent of the Six Nations and without first obtaining from the Six Nations a lawful and valid surrender to the Crown;
- permitting Third Parties to possess, occupy, and trespass on the Six Nations Lands without obtaining lawful surrenders from the Six Nations to the Crown;
- making or permitting transactions relating to the Six Nations Lands without obtaining full and fair compensation and without ensuring that Six Nations' interest in such transactions were at all times fully protected and that Six Nations received or their accounts credited with all the proper proceeds from such dispositions;
- failing to honour the terms or conditions of valid surrenders, sales and leases;
- taking or permitting for use without consent, parts of the Six Nations Lands for roads or streets, canals or other public waterways, railways, mines (gypsum) or minerals (gas extraction), cemeteries, public squares or parks, or for military or other public purposes without obtaining lawful surrenders or providing full and fair compensation to Six Nations;
- managing the Six Nations Trust Accounts or permitting it to be managed, in a manner inconsistent with the standards of conduct required by the Crown's fiduciary obligations;
- failing to account to the Six Nations,
- failing to provide all land promised in the Haldimand Treaty; and
- failing to uphold their own laws administered by the Crown when dealing with Indian lands.
Therefore, the following injustices need to be addressed (not a complete list):
- Misappropriation (Development, Lands or Monies)
Innisfil and East Hawkesbury Townships; Misappropriation of Funds by Samuel P. Jarvis; Coutts and Company; Grand River Navigation Company Lands and Investments; Ordnance Reserve, etc.
- Royalties (Income & Loss of Use of the Land)
Oil and Gas, Gypsum, Flooding, Road and Street Allowances; Timber, Railways, Dams & Locks, etc.
- Purported Challenges (Surrenders/Leases/Deeds/Grants/Squatters)
Source of the Grand River; Blocks Numbered 1 to 6; Brantford Town Plot & Township; Onondaga, Seneca, Oneida, Cayuga Township(s); Dunn Township; Sherbrooke Township; Brant Leases; Life Leases/Mohawk Deeds; Clergy Lands, etc.