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Wildlife & Stewardship
Six Nations Wildlife & Stewardship Office
•   Six Nations Wildlife & Stewardship Office encourages the protection of endangered species, such as the Black Rat Snake.
The Haldimand Treaty of 1784
Whereas His Majesty having been pleased to direct that in consideration of the early attachment to his cause manifested by the Mohawk Indians and of the loss of their settlement which they thereby sustained - that a ...   View More
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Six Nations Wildlife & Stewardship Office
Since 1993, the Six Nations Wildlife & Stewardship Office has been very effective in opening the lines of communications with various outside agencies both private and public. The office has open and ongoing working relationships with several Colleges and Universities in the surrounding area, several of which have lead to long-term and ongoing projects. These working relationships are useful for acquiring accurate and up-to-date information regarding projects, proposals, environmental issues, hunting and fishing rights both on and off Six Nations reserve. The goals of the Six Nations Wildlife & Stewardship Office are:
  • To provide effective communication within the Grand River Watershed, Haldimand Tract and Traditional Territory, creating an atmosphere of understanding and tolerance of both the Indigenous and non-Indigenous cultures now inhabiting the watershed;
  • To facilitate effective educational opportunities and experiences for our Schools and encourage our neighbours within the watershed to learn about our community;
  • To collect and assist in responding to over 700 permits per year through the Grand River Notification Agreement and review various environmental assessments, impact statements, official plans, archaeological reports and the federal and provincial environmental registries;
  • To oversee various activities affecting the Grand River Watershed and projects dealing directly with the community such as wetland studies, wildlife trail mapping, traditional knowledge studies, and encouraging the protection of endangered species;
  • To provide input into current consultation and accommodation protocols/policies and into the preparation and negotiation of impact benefit agreements and land use agreements that address meaningful consultation, accommodation, and compensation requirements;
  • To provide the non-Indigenous population with information and education on the many aspects of Haudenosaunee concepts of the land, environment, forests, fish, and wildlife and to encourage our community to better understand the different attitudes towards these same issues, in the hopes of finding a common ground where all can exist in harmony; and
  • To actively participate in and encourage co-operative management regimes within the Grand River Watershed for the benefit of all and to ensure respect for the river is paramount.
Many of the activities of the Six Nations Wildlife & Stewardship Office are based on the Six Nations Community Plan 2019. Particular attention is paid to the progress indicators listed in the Mother Earth – Stewardship section of the community plan:
  • Water quality, soil health, tree canopy and biodiversity indicators increase
  • Greater portion of the territory is forested
  • Community can safely eat food and use medicines from forests and rivers
  • Plant and wildlife species are returned or strengthened in the forests and rivers
The Six Nations Wildlife & Stewardship Office will continue to be involved with the GRNA to promote and encourage the remainder of the Grand River Watershed to participate in the Agreement. This was and is an important initiative within the watershed and is often used to encourage improved communications of various organizations within the agreement area. It has been determined that the purpose and intent of the Agreement works well. However, the real issues of the unresolved Six Nations Specific Claims and the effects of uncertainty and impediments to economic development in Municipal communities continue to be a contentious issue.

With ever-expanding population growth occurring within the Grand River Watershed, it is imperative that Six Nations of the Grand River has a voice in the future of the Grand River. The Six Nations Wildlife & Stewardship Office has proven to be an effective channel for providing this opportunity.
  © 2008 Six Nations Council. All rights reserved.
Six Nations Lands and Resources is a Department of the Six Nations Council